My Doula Journey
When I was a child and it was time to play house, there was always someone who was going to have a baby. It didn’t matter if it were me or one of my playmates, because I was ready for the upcoming task. I would help the mommy as she lay there having her baby and then wrap up the tiny tyke to pass to the happy mother. When it was my turn to be the mommy, I would somehow never make it to the hospital and often had a baby in the living room or car because we couldn’t get to the hospital in time. I remember seeing such emergencies on TV shows and wanted the same excitement for myself. Even in pretend I knew a hospital wasn’t my ideal birth if children were part of my future. Imagine my surprise when I grew up to learn people actually PLAN home births!!! I wanted to become a Doula to help real life mothers have the birth they desire. With each friend or sibling who became a parent, I learned a little more about the way we treat prenatal, birth, and postpartum care. It has opened my eyes that we are not supporting the birthing person or the family nearly as much as we should. I believe we can do better. My goal is to help families find and create the birth they want as well as provide care after baby is in their arms. It doesn’t matter if you want to have your baby at home or in a hospital, every birthing person needs support for their decisions and I will be that support. I am here to remind you to trust in the strength of your body during this time.
To learn more about my experience or my services, feel free to contact me by email at kathleenthedoula@gmail.com or by phone at (714) 603-5692.